Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Every couple of months our neighbors get a shipment of newborn calves that need to be taught how to drink from a bucket for the first time.......
they send out the call to neighboring families to come and help teach the calves to drink from a bucket for the first time.........

This is done by sticking your fingers into the formula, then sticking them into the calf's mouth, and while he is sucking, guide him down into the bucket, where hopefully he will begin drinking on his own!

If that doesn't work.....out comes the bottle!
Team work helps!

And if the bottle doesn't work.......here Grant intubates a calf for the first time....it fills a tummy up real quick!

Afterwards, there is a time for a little messing around

And time to 'catch up' !

1 comment:

Julia Rabe said...

HI Horak Fam!! I am so excited about your blog :) Those calves are soo cute!! I can't wait to see more pics of Stella :) I hope you are having a great weekend.