Monday, January 26, 2009

Of UpWords and Birthdays!

Anna and I (along with Mia) traveled up north Friday afternoon to celebrate Nana's birthday (her 91st). After supper, we put our pj's on early. Nana had an assortment of robes for us to choose from and once we made our choice, we settled in for an evening of UpWords and fudge! What a great combination! Nana is quite the party girl....we finished up our last game about 1:00 a.m. and headed off to bed. We had a late breakfast, and carrot cake and ice cream for lunch! Andria showed up just in time for a quick picture before we hit the road for home!
and oh yes, Mia behaved famously, winning the hearts of friends and neighbors that stopped by!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

And They Called It Puppy Love

We are having so much fun with Mia! She loves the Big Dogs and they pretty much ignore her!
She is like built-in entertainment for us, constantly trying to amuse or engage us. If we're not paying attention to her, she'll find something she shouldn't have and parade by, head held high and tail wagging!